Thursday, June 26, 2008

and the beat goes on...

Well, when I last left the blogging world behind I had decided and then managed to convince my husband that he decided too that another baby was just what we needed!

So we got to trying right around my last post.

Connor David entered the world at 12 pounds 0 ounces on December 5, 2006. He's beautiful and I love him to death, but lord that boy has broken me down (I keep saying it is to build me better, faster, whatever that whole bionic woman thing is). He had undiagnosed reflux and colic and never slept more than 2 hours for the first 7 months or so. And if you knew me in real life you would know that of all my non-negotiables sleep is the highest on the list. It wasn't pretty.

We survived together through having every carrier known to man that I could figure out how to use....and lots of vacuuming which he now hates LOL

But now here we are at 18 months, sleeping through the night and climbing and running and still tilting the scales at 36 pounds 5 oz (no that isn't a typo). His temper tantrums can bring down the house but so does his headbutt love!

So here's to Connor, my little wolf lover, look out world!


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