Friday, August 26, 2005

Fun Weekend

Ahhhh...I finally got a wonderful de-stressor of a weekend!

We had friends from online that we had yet to meet drive out from Michigan and enjoy the hospitality of our floor. They were great, I haven't laughed so much in a loooonnnngggg time it was just what I needed. We conquered the rope lights quest after five different stores and admiring the military like execution of the employee search in Target for said rope lights. We had a clambake for about 30 people and explored RI. We also had another friend from online come out from New Jersey who was also quite fabulous and took all the just sharing a couple of them...

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Cindy Sheehan down in Crawford. Truthfully to my own shame I couldn't figure out "what to make of her". Was she doing the "cause" a disservice. Yes sometimes I do come off so self important LOL!

But I have kept following blogs and newscasts and kept reading things she has said past and present. And actually with a rarely open mind, because she caught me off guard, I didn't know what to make of her. I know I agreed with her, but what about her style (yes I get a bit silly in my own head!).

The more I have read and seen of her, the more awed I have become. The fact that I even thought I had a place to think of whether she was saying what she had to say properly is now rather embarrassing. But hey, I don't really see any of you day to day so I get to admit the embarassing things here.

She has lit a spark that if people like me who spend a lot of time caring and worrying and a lot of time doing only when it comes close to an election...she makes me want to do something wild and crazy like freeway blogging LOL. I am working on Harlen to go with me to DC if she does go in September. I can't go to the rally on the 24th due to Nana's 90th birthday, which I just can't miss come hell or high water. But she is a comfortable affliction to my conscience. She makes me want to move!

All I have to say is whatever power there may be, the source of hope and goodness, the best of all of us, may it bless Cindy Sheehan and give some strength to her cause. She is demanding the same answers I should have had the balls to demand on Bush's front lawn myself. Thank God we have Cindy to have more kahunas then I after such a terrible loss!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


There is a board I like to frequent that is made for Mom's and parenting, but of course I only go to the debate board part since my daughter was actually born LOL! I love to debate, it is a strength and a flaw. It is a strength because when I put my mind to it I can express myself well and make my way of thinking understandable at least; if not something you would agree with, and I can pull information out of other people so I can understand a point of view other than my own. A flaw is, people would often think the real reason I love to debate is to try to change people's minds or to beat my way into winning an argument, but really it isn't, I just have a really really strong verbal side and a pushy debate style. I have tried to reform both since it was first pointed out to me starting at about 8 yo(seriously my gifted teacher told my parents I would have no friends LOL, because I made the smarter kids feel like I thought they were stupid, though I knew they were smarter and I felt intimidated...go figure).

Anyways, my point is I like to debate because I have to always know what makes people tick. The more I disagree the harder I fight, because the more I disagree, the less I understand, so the harder I push to get a glimpse of something I can work with to get why you think so different than me. I push harder to get another piece, so I can find the next tack to push on to get another piece. Of course I would love people to bask in my brilliance and change their minds (I am being sarcastic!), but really I just want to grok what people mean. If I understand really why someone feels the way they do, and how they think, and what logic they used, and anything else I may wonder about their thought process at 1 am when I can't sleep, I usually let it go, unless of course it is Presidential Election time, if so you should avoid me the whole year, I am a broken record that has the jaws of a pit bull LOL.

Well to continue the babble....

I am so progressive it is a bit silly, I know it is who I am, but I wonder can I be so much one way on everything, surely the other side has points, I must be missing something, I should be more mixed in my approach...but I haven't been able to change my mind on anything yet...and I am really liberal in my spirituality...

so of course I always wrangle with the conservative and more religious people of the world. And more and more the farther and farther Bush's residency goes and the farther and farther the Iraq War goes on, the more and more entrenched I become. It seems I am losing my joy in finding out why people think the way I do. And also a bit less joy in the diversity of opinions. In the US things are so divided and the lines really are so clear...I don't know where to even begin to reach across! I have found people I respect who are so opposed with me on almost everything I find of any value...but once we get out of generalities it is hard to figure out where to go with things...

So I think I have made very little sense in a coherent fashion. My big pondering tonight is how is a common ground found when things have become so dichotomous with so little room (and really no leaders) for a common ground?

One conservative friend gave me hope from her staying very conservative and still almost completely opposite to me in her approach to every issue...but changing her mind on one to the same way I see it. She changed her mind for all her own reasons and info she found on her own...but it gives me a glimmer of hope. And makes me want to look into myself to see where maybe I have hardened my thoughts to changing my mind becuase well I slid into it and everyone who thinks like me agrees...and to see if there is a place where my mind may be able to change....will keep you all updated as I know the whole 5 of you or so who may ever stumble across here will be holding your breath until the next installment!