Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year just begun...

I don't do resolutions...I tend to break them...from excercizing, to quitting things, to not interrupting, etc, etc...

But I can do general directions and they are always the same...honor the good health I have been given more, spend more time appreciating the "namaste" in my children and my husband, try to spread the agape love farther if I succeed at the previous, and have a bit more fun.

This coming year I so hope to be one of 5 in the competitive slot in the nursing program! My daughter at dinner tonight when we were saying what we hope for this coming year said "seeing the look on Momma's face when she gets into the nursing program", from my babe's mouth to God's ears is all I have to say!

It has been an up and down year, but very blessed all things considered!

Lucky, lucky are we!

Happy New Year to all!