Boy scouts
It is a while away with Connor only pushing 22 months old.
But we have already had several uncomfortable silent or non-commital moments surrounding his potential boy-scout hood. We have a united front that as it stands he will not be a boy scout and that we should address how we feel about it with him prior to it becoming a want for him.
As long as the boy scouts officially disallows homosexual or atheist members we are unwilling to support them as they don't reflect our family values. However, they reflect a lot of other community/family values we do find honorable. And they just seem so much not on the front lines of the culture wars and so innocuous, it is hard to summon up a will to go to bat against them!
Plus to give an answer as to why no for Connor seems to make an atagonist relationship with other parents.
If anyone reads this, what say you, LOL?